Employment Gaps And How To Explain Them To Your Potential Employer

Employment gaps are a common concern for job seekers, and can be a source of anxiety during the job search process. Whether you took time off to travel, care for a family member, or simply had trouble finding work, explaining employment gaps to potential employers can be a challenging task. However, with the right approach and some thoughtful preparation, you can address employment gaps in a way that highlights your strengths and positions you as a strong candidate for the job. In this article, we’ll explore some strategies for explaining employment gaps to your potential employer.

Be Honest And Transparent

The first step in addressing an employment gap is to be honest and transparent about it. Don’t try to hide the gap or fabricate a false explanation. Employers appreciate honesty and will be more likely to consider you for the job if you are upfront about the gap in your work history. Explain the reason for your employment gap in a clear and concise manner, and emphasize any skills or experience you gained during that time.

Focus On The Positive

While an employment gap may seem like a negative aspect of your work history, it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of your experience during that time. For example, if you took time off to care for a family member, emphasize the communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills you gained during that time. If you traveled, highlight the cultural awareness and adaptability you developed. By framing your employment gap in a positive light, you can demonstrate your resilience and resourcefulness to potential employers.

Highlight Any Volunteer Or Freelance Work

If you engaged in volunteer or freelance work during your employment gap, be sure to include that on your resume and mention it during the interview. This demonstrates that you were still active and engaged during that time, and it can also show that you have a strong work ethic and a passion for your field.

Address The Gap In Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is a great opportunity to address any employment gaps and explain the circumstances in more detail. Use the cover letter to briefly explain the reason for the gap and highlight any positive experiences or skills you gained during that time. This will demonstrate your honesty and proactive approach to addressing the employment gap.

Show Your Commitment To Professional Development

If you took time off to pursue further education or professional development, be sure to mention that during the interview. This demonstrates your commitment to your field and your desire to continue learning and growing as a professional. It also shows that you have a clear career trajectory and are motivated to succeed.


Explaining employment gaps to potential employers can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can also be an opportunity to showcase your strengths and position yourself as a strong candidate for the job.

By being honest and transparent, focusing on the positive aspects of your experience, highlighting any volunteer or freelance work, addressing the gap in your cover letter, and showing your commitment to professional development, you can overcome any concerns an employer may have about your work history.

And if you’re looking for quality resume templates to complement your job search, check out Innova Resume’s collection of professionally designed templates. With a wide variety of options to choose from, you’re sure to find a template that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light.