How to Leverage LinkedIn’s Native Video Feature to Create Engaging Content

The paradigm of digital communication has drastically evolved. Gone are the days when LinkedIn was just a digital resume and networking platform. Today, LinkedIn has emerged as a robust platform for content creation and brand-building. A game-changing feature that’s pivotal in this shift? LinkedIn’s native video.

This guide walks you through the benefits and best practices of creating engaging video content on LinkedIn, ensuring you stand out in an ocean of posts and articles.

The Rise and Rise of Video Content

Research shows that posts with videos are shared 20x more than those with just text or images on LinkedIn. It’s clear: if you aren’t using video, you may be missing out on substantial engagement opportunities.

But why is video content reigning supreme?

  • Human Touch: Videos allow for personal connection, showing the face and voice behind the words.
  • Information Density: Videos can pack a lot of information in a short amount of time.
  • Dynamic Presentation: Motion graphics, sound, and visuals create a rich user experience.

LinkedIn Native Video: What You Need to Know

Before diving into the content creation, let’s get acquainted with the basics:

  • Duration: LinkedIn videos can be anywhere from 3 seconds to 10 minutes, but the sweet spot for maximum engagement is between 1-2 minutes.
  • Orientation: Both vertical and horizontal videos work, but the platform recommends horizontal for a more professional look.
  • File Size: Your video should be no more than 5GB in size.

Crafting Engaging Video Content: Best Practices

1. Begin with a Bang

Your audience’s attention span is limited. Hook them within the first few seconds with a compelling start, be it a question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement.

2. Optimize for Silent Playback

85% of videos on social media are watched without sound. Ensure your video makes sense without audio, preferably with captions or on-screen text.

3. Include a Clear Call-to-Action

What should viewers do after watching your video? Direct them to a post, a website, or ask them to comment. Be clear with your intent.

4. Use Authentic, Relatable Content

Avoid creating over-polished or overtly promotional videos. LinkedIn is a platform for professionals. They appreciate authenticity and relatability.

5. Consistency is Key

One video won’t change the game. Create a content calendar and consistently post insightful videos. Consider starting a weekly or bi-weekly series.

Sample Video Ideas to Jumpstart Your LinkedIn Video Journey

1. Behind-the-Scenes Tours

Give your connections a peek into your workspace, your daily routine, or how your team operates.

Example: “Ever wondered how our design team crafts those intricate graphics? Let’s dive into a day in their life!”

2. Thought Leadership Insights

Share your thoughts on recent industry trends, news, or insights.

Example: “The recent tech merger has got the industry buzzing. Here’s what I believe this means for startups in the space.”

3. Tips and Tricks

Offer value to your audience. Share quick tips related to your expertise.

Example: “Here’s a quick hack I use to boost my productivity during those mid-day slumps.”

4. Interviews and Collaborations

Collaborate with peers in your industry for interviews or joint insights.

Example: “Thrilled to have [Name] with me today, discussing the future of digital marketing.”

Optimizing Your Video Posts: Tips for Greater Reach

  • Add a Compelling Caption: Couple your video with a catchy and concise caption to draw viewers in.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags: Make sure your video reaches the right audience by using relevant and trending hashtags.
  • Engage with Comments: Boost your video’s reach by promptly engaging with comments and fostering dialogue.

Advanced Techniques for Video Engagement

As you grow comfortable with the foundational techniques for creating video content on LinkedIn, it’s time to level up. Advanced strategies can further amplify your reach and engagement, giving you a competitive edge.

1. Incorporate Interactive Elements

Encourage direct interaction with your video content by posing questions and urging viewers to answer in the comments. This not only boosts engagement metrics but also facilitates community-building around your content.

Example: “What’s the one productivity tool you can’t live without? Drop your answers below, and let’s discover some gems together!”

  1. Use Analytics to Your Advantage

LinkedIn provides detailed analytics for your video posts. Study them to understand:

  • Peak viewing times
  • Audience demographics
  • Engagement metrics

These insights can guide the timing, content, and targeting of your subsequent videos.

3. Collaborate with Influencers

Pairing up with LinkedIn influencers in your industry can help you tap into their audience. Guest appearances, interviews, or joint sessions can mutually benefit both parties and expand reach.

Example: “Join me and [Industry Expert’s Name] as we decode the emerging trends of AI in healthcare.”

4. Experiment with LinkedIn Live

Going live on LinkedIn can be an effective way to engage your audience in real-time. Webinars, Q&A sessions, and live discussions can foster immediate feedback and interaction.

5. Leverage Thumbnails and Cover Images

First impressions matter. Instead of relying on LinkedIn’s default thumbnail generation, create a custom thumbnail that’s both compelling and relevant to your video topic.

  1. Create Shareable Snippets

Craft your content in a way that viewers feel compelled to share it. Bite-sized, universally relevant insights or “ah-ha” moments in your videos can lead to increased shares, amplifying your reach.

Example caption for shareable snippet: “This 30-second clip revolutionized how I view digital marketing. Every marketer needs to hear this!”

7. Diversify Content Topics

Avoid monotony by diversifying your video topics. Tutorials, thought leadership, personal experiences, industry updates, and motivational content can coexist, offering a rich content tapestry for your audience.

Handling Feedback and Building Community

Engaging with your audience goes beyond just responding to comments. Listen to their feedback, acknowledge differing viewpoints, and make your LinkedIn space a hub for meaningful conversations.

1. Foster Discussions:

Don’t just broadcast; engage. Prompt discussions and encourage dialogue.

Sample post: “Recent stats show a rise in remote work. How has this trend affected your work-life balance? Let’s discuss!”

2. Acknowledge and Respond:

If someone takes the time to comment on your video, acknowledge their input. Whether it’s praise or constructive criticism, a considerate response can work wonders for your online reputation.

3. Highlight Community Insights:

If a follower or connection shares a particularly valuable insight, consider making a video around it, crediting them. This not only boosts community spirit but also provides fresh content perspectives.

Conclusion: The Visual Revolution on LinkedIn

Video content on LinkedIn isn’t just a fleeting trend; it’s a transformative force reshaping professional narratives. As you harness the visual medium to tell your story, remember that every great story needs a solid foundation. For those looking to refine that foundation, Innova Resume shop offers premium resume templates, ensuring your career narrative is as compelling on paper as it is on screen.
